Hello! I’m Kimberly! I am from sunny San Diego, Ca.

I’m a vibrant, sun-loving, fun-having videographer from So-Cal!

I have been filming weddings and events for over 20 years and absolutely love what I do. I get to film people’s best memories and life events and create a video to enjoy forever! It’s an honor to be able to put a vision into a story. Or be able take that event and record it for your keepsake. My job is always different and continuously fun. What I can say is that I loveeeeee a good party!!

I have used different cameras and been to a lot of venues and properties to be able to test the features. I think I have good insight to new technology and simply why it’s good. 🙂 

Let me help you find what you need for your next event!

Ever scroll through Amazon or other sites to see what memory cards are good? Or maybe look at the same camera bag and wonder if its worth it? Since I have been in the photo/video industry quite a few years, I want to share my thoughts on these cameras and the accessories you might need to cover your next event. 

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out. I may not be an expert in everything, but I can try to point you in the right direction. 

All the best,

Kimberly Shane 🙂
